The moment I woke up this morning the first word that popped into my head was Tenacious. Very odd for me because big words normally don’t generate so early in the day. As a matter of fact, they normally don’t generate at all unless I’m looking them up. lol I kept asking myself “Why the word tenacious?” For someone to call you tenacious is a very high quality. It means you're probably the kind of person who never gives up and never stops trying – someone who does whatever is required to accomplish a goal. You may also be very stubborn. WOW! Stubborn! Yea, that fits in most people’s characteristic’s book, but besides that quality, determination and persistent is a huge quality to posses.
For ever entrepreneur, tenacity is a quality that one might already posses or is in the process of acquiring this trait for growth and accountability with oneself. It gives a sense of drive, motivation, a reason to keep going. When we started Lattes For Women, we saw a need for a platform for women entrepreneurs to feel comfortable to talk about their success and their failures and be able to keep them accountable and educate them on areas they may need to improve in or get introduced in. We were so determined to get this started that we didn’t know what it meant to take that leap, but we took it. The first couple of events were a success! We had hundreds of women interested in the event and although our space was not able to hold them, we capped out at the max the facility could hold. Months went by and our audience became smaller and smaller and we were growing desperate at times and so defeated because we didn’t know what happened. Literally right before our next Lattes, the pandemic hit. OH MY GOSH! We had to stop everything just like everyone else. We had so many question like, “What now?!” “Is it even worth it to keep Lattes up and running?!” All the doubts and questions kept creeping in and we didn’t know what to do, so we did the next thing and we waited out the storm but we planned in the mist of it.
Months went by and we decided that we needed to be tenacious and go back to the main objective and vision for Lattes and get the ball rolling again. We were determined not to give up and to one day have the best Lattes For Women Event live again but in the mean time, let’s support our Boss Babes from afar!! And there we have it. We were defeated in the beginning. Didn’t know where to go or if it were even possible to keep it going but thanks to social media we’ve connected with so many women throughout this pandemic, we chose a viable platform to keep going because seeing us fall on our face for the first time was hard and embarrassing, just as many Boss Babes might feel their first fall, but we got back up just as you will because we all possess that quality one way or another and at one point in our careers as entrepreneurs. We have to keep site on the goal and walk to it. Yes I said walk, don’t run. If you run for it, you may miss all the wonders around you that can help you along the way, so walk at a graceful pace and pick up every quality that will make you a successful Boss Babe!